Source code for sawyer.gripper

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.

# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import intera_interface
import rospy
from pyrobot.core import Gripper

[docs]class SawyerGripper(Gripper): """ Interface for gripper. """
[docs] def __init__(self, configs, ee_name="right_gripper", calibrate=True, wait_time=3): """ :param configs: configurations for the robot :param ee_name: robot gripper name (default: "right_gripper") :param calibrate: Attempts to calibrate the gripper when initializing class (defaults True) :param wait_time: waiting time for opening/closing gripper :type configs: YACS CfgNode :type ee_name: str :type calibrate: bool :type wait_time: float """ super(SawyerGripper, self).__init__(configs=configs) self.wait_time = wait_time self.gripper = intera_interface.Gripper(ee_name=ee_name, calibrate=calibrate)
[docs] def open(self, position=None, wait=True): """ Commands gripper to open fully :param position: gripper position :type position: float :param wait: True if blocking call and will return after target_joint is achieved, False otherwise :type wait: bool """ if position is None: position = self.configs.GRIPPER.GRIPPER_MAX_POSITION self.gripper.gripper_io.set_signal_value("position_m", position) if wait: rospy.sleep(self.wait_time)
[docs] def reset(self, wait=True): """ Utility function to reset gripper if it is stuck :param wait: True if blocking call and will return after target_joint is achieved, False otherwise :type wait: bool """ self.close(wait)
[docs] def close(self, position=None, wait=True): """ Commands gripper to close fully :param position: gripper position :type position: float :param wait: True if blocking call and will return after target_joint is achieved, False otherwise :type wait: bool """ if position is None: position = self.configs.GRIPPER.GRIPPER_MIN_POSITION self.gripper.gripper_io.set_signal_value("position_m", position) if wait: rospy.sleep(self.wait_time)